Birdemic 2: The Resurrection
Mother of God!! Please PLEASE!! They should riff this! What do you all think?
The Legendary Rod Returns!!
A platoon of eagles and vultures attack Hollywood, California. Why did the eagles and vultures attack? Who will survive?

ed commented
For God's sake, just for the 'Nightclub' singer (Damien Carter) who always seems to be
singing DURING THE DAY..... very unusual, wouldn't you say, for a nightclub singer. And why aren't all these people dancing at work? -
Lindsay Kennedy commented
Please do this film!! I would back this so fast on a Kickstarter!
Vic commented
The opening walking scenes alone are funny without riffing! I mean the person filming is clearly having issues holding the camera level while walking (a chewing gum and walking analogy?). Films the main character from almost a block away (shades of Apex Predators) and the walking is pure Birdemic 1. And that's the opening scenes!
Pantyboy commented
Birdemic 2: The Resurrection is a must, and soon, please, especially as Birdemic 3: Sea Eagle could be coming soon.
Jessica Davis commented
The year was 2022, I was googling something that I do not recall. Suddenly! I stumbled upon the worst kept secret in humanity....Birdemic has a sequel. Quickly I powered up my solpanels, made my last $1,000,000.00 deal of the day, set out my bobcat traps and spent $100 of electricity for 10 minutes to do 1,000 plus letters on 1 comment. Armed with my best fighting hanger, I put off my Victoria Secret job and pressed "Post Comment". Now I'm just hanging out with my family - having ourselves a party...please riff this!!
Tim Poole commented
Watching this movie. My wife comes into the room and says "is this one of your RiffTraxx movies?". It's a natural. It's begging for it.
Duke commented
PLEASE riff this movie! It is so bad it's screaming for riffing.
Anonymous commented
Please for the love of James Nguyen, riff this movie.
Anonymous commented
It’s time guys to finish off the James Nguyen universe. You’ve put it off long enough, now get in there and get to work. We don’t want to have to ground you!
Crow's Love Child commented
If ever a movie needed riffing...
Werwere commented
James Nguyen figured out people liked his movies for being bad sometime in 2011 after Birdemic was a smash trash classic.
Now he's bad on purpose and that just takes the fun out of it.
Sorry to say but Birdemic 2 was after he figured it out and it's a lot less fun. For the B movie riffs I really think quality is better than quantity and quality usually depends on a movie being obliviously bad rather than just bad or mediocre. (Any riffs from Edgewood or the Asylum just don't work as well, for instance, because they are trying too hard to be bad).
dafoxx10 commented
Well because it's the 2nd one! Just as bad as the first, it brings back Rod, still bad graphics just a little smoother looking. It's just perfect for riffing
Wendy Colegrove commented
Please riff this movie, guys!!!
Hank Morawski commented
No details sounds SO TERRIBLE...It's got my vote.
Sharkfan1 commented
Watching Birdemic 2 at work (yes, we're allowed to do that)... Dear God/dess, PLEASE riff this one - live if possible!!
Ben T. commented
I mean, c’mon...Rod’s back in action with suspiciously well rounded figures surrounding him. What else do you need?!?!
These votes shot up quickly! Great!
RabidCow2 commented
This riffing NEEDS nay, CRAVES its birthmother’s touch. Riff on, noble crusaders! Leave ridiculously round numbers to the simps and step your game up for all the ships at sea!
Anonymous commented
I just discovered there is a second Birdemic movie. Have y'all riffed it yet, and if not, why not?
Lévai József commented
Here's the trailer if you want to know how James Nguyen this movie can get: