A ridiculous 1973 horror movie about snakes. Includes Big McLargeHuge!

Bec commented
With a title like ‘Sssssss’ this movie is begging to be riffed. It feels like the filmmakers gave up before they began, and then made the movie anyway. It’s so dull, I can’t tell if the snakes are hissing or snoring. Please riff!
angel5290 commented
Would love to see this on RiffTrax! This movie scared the crap out of me as a kid LOL.
- commented
How can you not riff a movie where the hero is (spoiler) eventually eaten by a mongoose?
Charlie Johnson commented
The service station attendant who spilled the gas is directly responsible for the 1973 gas crisis.
Mario commented
This sounds like a great choice!
Anonymous commented
Strother Martin!
Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica!
Reb Effing Brown!!snakes?the 70's? 'Nuff said!
Anonymous commented
Timestalkers- with William Devane and Lauren Hutton
Anonymous commented
Hammockrider commented
Tracy Pierceall commented
Horribly fabulous movie where Dirk Benedict is slowly turned into a snake. Bad CGI included.
believingmom commented
I knew about Strother Martin (Cool Hand Luke)and Dirk Benedict (Battlestar Galactica), but Reb Brown? I'll take another look.
cryptkeeper commented
Here's the trailer!
Watch out for snakes! LOL
Wow! Big McLargehuge starred in lots of big mclargehuge movie flops!
Sharon aka Penny commented
I remember this one well when I was a kid.
Anonymous commented
perfect suggestion!
Maren commented
Alternate name is "Sssssss". Its from 1973, a mad scientist turns his lab assistant into a snake. Its as amazing as it sounds.
Riffazz commented
Yeah it's got Slab Bulkhead!
psychaotic commented
I third it. Watch Out For Snakes!
RamzyDarwish commented
I second the motion!