A film financed by the Canadian government for millions of dollars that has thus far pulled in thousands of dollars. Stars Robbie Coltrane as the titular magic teddy,, magical bear thing that rescues a boy from the doldrums of life. Deserves a good riffing.
Anonymous commented
A perfect kids film...if you hate children
Kitty commented
Mac and Me had a baby with Pod People and it turned into a frightening farting hot dog throwing bear named Gooby.
Coarey Trim commented
The film had potential early on, but quickly becomes a mess ideas that go nowhere. We had fun riffing it, and I think is a solid choice for the Rifftrax guys.
tsarstepan commented
This STD of a nightmare film needs to be shared until everyone is infected! -
tsarstepan commented
A kids' film by people who probably don't think very much of kids.