Billy The Kid Versus Dracula (1966)
Reason #1: The title.
And if you need another reason...
Reason #3- Bullets don't hurt Dracula but throwing the gun at him DOES.

Nate commented
This sounds like a winner er or loser depending on how you look at it!
Aaron Baldwin commented
We are watching this splendidly awful movie right now! And absolutely needs Riffing. I mean, John Carradine!!!!!!
Cassandra Gibson commented
There are scenes where you can see crew members in the background, actors call Virginia Christine by her coffee name "Mrs. Olsen" instead of her character name, Mrs. Oster, they portray Billy as a dashing romantic hero instead of the sadistic, savage monster he really was, the bat effects are so horrid the thing barely moves (and I swear it wears a tiny top hat) and when he transforms it's always behind some object to save on special effects. Unlike its predecessor which was 1,000 times better. The one-take wonder director shines through especially from this movie. He did it in 8 DAYS.
Sargerrific commented
This really needs to be done, John Carradine even said this is the worst movie he's ever been in, and thats JOHN CARRADINE saying that.
Fangarius commented
In the Sixties, Monster mash-up films were somehow all the rage (I sort of blame Abbott & Costello for this), and this one always had me scratching my head (oh, TRIVIA ALERT: John Carradine, who played Dracula in this film, was also Herman Munster's boss.).
Strangely enough, Dracula goes out into the Old West (never really explains why), while riding a stagecoach he encounters a woman and her brother going out to meet their daughter at this ranch. Inexplicably, Dracula causes some Native Americans (sorry, my PC Syndrome's acting up) to attack the coach and murder everyone.
Dracula then resumes the identity of the daughter's uncle and head to the town itself. There he learns that her fiance is William Bonney, aka Billy the Kid, who has reformed. When strange happenings occur, no one believes Billy when he suspects the uncle isn't whom he pretends to be.
Miraculously a member from a European family who once encounter Dracula shows up, stating she been tracking the vampire down here, and more fun ensues. As you stated, Anon, though bullets don't harm Dracula, throwing the gun at him does. Even more hilarious is how Dracula apparently gets flushed red before attacking a victim. But you have to admit, at least Dracula doesn't sparkle...
Jeffry Ricker commented
From Wikipedia: "Oddly, the name 'Dracula' is never mentioned in the film, nor is Carradine credited as playing him in the credits."
Stardust the Super-Wizard commented
John Carradine should *always* equal "automatic riff." ALWAYS.