The Raven (2012)
John Cusack as Edgar Allen Poe. Once again, JOHN CUSACK AS EDGAR ALLEN POE. This needs to be seen to be believed.

Stardust the Super-Wizard commented
If you Kickstart this, I will donate $100.00. Automatically.
Anonymous commented
Worst career movie by an actor since Eddie Murphy in PLUTO NASH.
Anonymous commented
So terrible. So, SO terrible.
Anonymous commented
Bears roughly as much relation to the actual, historical Edgar Allan Poe as "Josie and the Pussycats in Outer Space" did to the SETI Project. Genuinely in need of a beat-down.
Anonymous commented
Moved and seconded! Cusack doesn't even fake an *attempt* at an accent while playing the Boston-born, southern-raised Poe, who is shown (among other historical inanities) living in a luxurious home (no); seducing buxom adult women (also no); and feeding human body parts to a pet raccoon (no cubed). If this film doesn't "have it coming" (as the RiffTrax saying goes), then NO film ever has, or will!