Super InfraMan
I stumbled across this by accident. When I saw it I was like, this needs to get riffed!! Never seen it, and probably never will, unless you know it gets riffed. What do you all think?
Demon Princess Elzebub plots to conquer the Earth. She destroys a few major cities in China to prove her power to a terror-stricken humanity. Returning to her lair in Inner-Earth, she awakens her army of Skeleton Ghosts and various Ice Monsters to wreak havoc on the surface.
But there is hope at the high-tech Science Headquarters, run by Professor Liu Ying De. He has at long last completed and is prepared to use the BDX Project: In the HQ's secret laboratory, he transforms Lei Ma, a high-ranking SH officer, into the bionic kung fu superhero, the Inframan! Able to perform impossible feats, as well as being equipped with death-dealing weapons, the solar-powered red & silver armored Inframan is mankind's only hope against Elzebub and her army of devils.
Once Inframan destroys the princess's various monsters, she decides to steal the professor's blueprints of Inframan in hope of discovering his weakness. Meanwhile, the professor introduces a new weapon to add to Inframan arsenal. Thunderball Fists are gloves capable of destroying any substance known to man as well as covering up Inframan's weakness. The princess decides to coerce the professor. Capturing the professor's daughter, the princess blackmails the professor into creating an Inframan for her. The professor agrees to go to Mount Devil for a meeting. When the professor refuses to make another Inframan, he and his daughter are frozen. Inframan and the science patrol decide to rescue both which leads to the climatic battle between Inframan and Princess Elzebub.

Anonymous commented
Princess Dragon Mom & her army of dorky minions are great material for the RT boys. It's like one of the the red Power Rangers and a throng of H.R.Pufnstuff creatures crashed the set of a Hong Kong kung fu movie. Pure Riff gold.
Anonymous commented
Please. Make it so.
Andy in NJ commented
Oh,yes please!
David commented
Please yes please.
Bob Bokelman commented
Please oh please please please! Riff this movie.
Sdoherty71 commented
I own the VHS of this, & maybe after Road House, it is my favorite slab o'cheeze! I hope the DVD release doesn't make the rights exorbitantly expensive now. Even so, this one's worth it!
Jim Ebert commented
I remember Roger Ebert listing this as one of his favorite "Guilty Pleasures" on Sneak Previews back in the day. Yes, I'm like 1,000 years old apparently. Anyway, this movie is in my collection and gets dusted off every couple of years and riffed live in my living room. It's Dynaman on acid at the risk of being redundant.
Alexander Case commented
Basically, this movie is, in short, Shaw Brothers making a knock-off of Ultraman, and it is glorious.
dirkmaster commented
I actually paid to see this movie at the theater when I was a kid (giving away my age). I knew it was a super turkey (worthy of a Golden Turkey, once again showing my age). It might be too silly to riff properly. I'm not sure you could stop laughing long enough!
Tamara Botzum commented
My brother and I just watched this movie, and we were howling the entire time! It deserves to have the Riff treatment for sure!