The People (1972)
A TV movie starring the terminally cute Kim Darby (trying too hard to look "slutty" with bleached hair and a mini skirt and very boney legs), A school teacher (played by Darby) is assigned to teach the children of a secluded small town full of telekinetic Mormon/Amish/extraterrestrial hybrids who walk by dragging their feet (because they are not used to Earth's gravity and think they might just float away) and give creepy "I'm going to levitate you just to freak you out" stares to anyone who is within eyeshot (it looks very similar to the death stare that rich people give to panhandlers). Strangely enough, this film was executive produced by Francis "The Godfather" Ford Coppola.
Ashtrophet commented
Francis Ford Coppola brings extra terrestrials to Little House on the Prairie with William Shatner.
Although it's not torture, it has it's funny moments. Kim Darby (for those of you who are thinking, "Man, that name's familiar-but what's it from?" she's from the old True Grit) stars as a teacher who goes to teach in a backwoods town where the residents are odd and boring. She later finds out they're aliens. Don't worry, they're not Avatars! Also stars... wait for it... SHATNER! SPOOOCK!