Seriously. It's like the 90s, in riffable move form!

Johnathan commented
They did a short version of it in their RiffTrax Special: 90s Cyber Thrillers, and the clips are HILARIOUS. So I don't know if they already have the full version recorded, or they cant release it for some reason, but I wish I could watch the whole movie with their commentary. That movie is computer and networking kitsch perfection.
Pherd commented
A) This movie was almost profoundly stupid, but much like Roadhouse (done) or Soldier (Oooh, I know what I am suggesting next) this is a guilty pleasure film that you can't help but watch when it comes on in front of you.
B) Such lame and easily riffable techno-babble, not to mention the outfits that absolutely beg to be mocked.
C) Angelina Jolie -
He’s a good Brent, dogs! commented
As I said to someone today, Hackers is beautifully 90s mixed with typical Hollywood not knowing how tech works! Throw in some bad to awesomely bad acting and you've got perfect riffing material!