The Warriors (1979)
A Street gang fights their way back to their amusement park hometown on the way back from a corporate meeting.
Dan Asnis commented
Mike, Kevin and Bill com out and Riff!!!!
LoveMeetsTheMatch2022 commented
This film, along with Streets of Fire, are responsible for the inspiration of Double Dragons, Final Fight, and Streets of Rage.
Seriously! Look at these TROPES! Easy to identify gangs, fighting through a thicket of hoodlums, and surviving long enough to confront the Big Bad.
What's not to love?
Nicholas Hewko commented
An expressionless lead, bizarrely themed gangs (mimes, baseball players, hillbillies on roller skates), endless shots of New York City train stations.This was made for RiffTrax.
Anonymous commented
The warriors pleeeeeeeease
Kevin Loria commented
Honest to God, one of the gangs is called The RIFFS! They gotta do this one!