Snow White and the Huntsman
This feature-length music video is perfect Rifftrax fodder.

Jgirl77 commented
Please do this one soon guys. My husband wants to watch it, and the kids and I can't stomach it again...not without some Rifftrax!
Kristen Stewart still acts non-interested and sleepy in this. Does she ever act perky?
jpimental commented
Or perhaps that glowing deer was the moon spirit from Avatar: The Last Airbender. "Everyone has a purpose in life. Your purpose is to exchange your life for that of a fish." Lol.
jpimental commented
The Evil Queen epically bathes in glue for some reason and generally relishes pure evilness in dramatic style. Why? Because she is the Evil Queen. Meanwhile everyone else runs around in the woods for hours, leaving poor Chris Hemsworth to wonder how in the name of Princess Mononoke's nature spirit he got roped into this. Probably has something to do with dwarves. Really fun dwarves. Make that intense and kind of scary dwarves such as Ian McShane as Grumpy. Kristen Stewart will carpe diem and mumble and mope as she has never mumbled and moped before. This piece is a treasure trove for riffing.
Kevin Loria commented
Totally! We had a blast Riffing this when it was in the theater. With K-Stew on board it's likely to be a home run for the boys to Riff.
DP commented
A feature-length music video? Sounds like you would be the perfect person to riff it.