In WW2, Nazis experimented with the occult and genetically bred super elves that would be driven to mate with blonde virgins on Christmas Eve in order to breed the master race. Yes this is a real movie, and it stars Grizzly Adams as a department store Santa.
This has everything you could want in a terrible movie: a lecherous, coke-snorting Santa; teen-aged girls performing witchcraft; an evil mother; the worst German Grandpa Accent you've ever heard; an anamatronic elf puppet; Nazis. At one point, the teenagers have a sleepover in a mall and don sexy 1989 clothing like...spandex aerobics outfits. This results in a shoot out with Nazis. Because of course it does.
I bought the VHS on a lark for $1, I would have paid as high as $5. Get out the whiskey and apple cider, this should be a holiday riff!

tsarstepan commented
Christmas 2023 is just around the corner.
Stephen Brown commented
My wife says she wants to get tipsy and wrap presents while watching this. Seems legit.
Anonymous commented
Okay, next year, guys... We'll be waiting.
Mandrake commented
I know you guys are always looking for holiday films to riff. This is an excellent one. I mean, "starring Dan Haggerty" what's the holdup?
tsarstepan commented
This one needs to be napalmed with an explosively devastating riff.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKJ2QOxRY2Q -
Anonymous commented
Rapist Nazi Elves! CASE CLOSED!!! ;)
miles uroshevich commented
the final sacrifice meets gremlins...