Godzilla's Revenge
Seriously. Main character is a kid obsessed with Godzilla. He humps a car, gets beat up by bullies, and kidnapped by thugs. Half the movie is a dream and features Godzilla's SON; who can shrink from 200ft to about 4ft at will and has a kick ass hillbilly accent when he talks to the kid. He TALKS!!! What else could you possibly want?

Tornadoboy commented
Godzilla's son is this is almost, but not quite, as obnoxious and homicidal thought-provoking as Jar Jar Binks, this has Rifftrax written allll over it.
LukeAltman commented
I mean... how can it NOT be riffed? It's barely even a Godzilla movie at all, considering that his appearances are all in the mind of the main kid character. It's meant to be a metaphor for his fight against his kidnappers.
Robert Christopher Fagnan commented
This is when the Godzilla movies really started to cheap out, using huge amounts of stock footage from previous entries. This movie, along with Godzilla vs. Gigan (aka Godzilla on Monster Island) and Godzilla vs Megalon, are the top offenders in this regard.