The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
A research team is sent to the Jurassic Park Site B island to study the dinosaurs there while another team approaches with another agenda.

SyphonFilter_989 commented
We Need This To Complete The Saga!!!
tsarstepan commented
With Jurassic World: Lost Kingdom in the theaters, they need to riff this one as well as put out an official three Riffer Jurassic Park III commentary track.
Trevor commented
I would also like to see this! I'm actually about to watch this tomorrow after watching the original with the riff. I was shocked to see one and three, but no two! We'll end up going with the iriff, and I'm not sure it will be funny... hmm.
Tim commented
Do it in time for Jurassic World! :D
Adam McBride commented
Get Weird Al again!
Tim commented
Please do it in time for Jurassic World next year!
Anonymous commented
We've got the first one with Weird All & a JP3 from Rifftrax presents, please give us the second film!!! A smarmy Jeff Goldblum deserves more riffing!!!