The Specialist
Stallone, Sharon Stone, James Woods.... The first time that I saw this, at the theater with a few friends, we laughed our asses off at it. The horribly cliched and over-the-top dialogue, the complete abandonment of the physical laws of nature, and a complete set of smug, unappealing characters - it's all rife for riffing. My favorite scene is where James Woods is figuring out where Stallone is based on an audio recording. It's so ridiculous that it reminds me of some scene in a South Park episode where the characters take one stupid leap of logic after another (like "there's a 'A' in ____, so therefore...").
Tomas Leon: You like to live dangerously, don't you?
May Munro: A little danger never killed anyone. Right, baby?
Tomas Leon: Sometimes.