Starring Charlton Heston and Lorne Greene..
I remember watching this when I was a kid and being scared.. Now 40 years later, I think it would make for great RiffTrax fodder

MSTllllllady commented
YAS! This movie was the epitome of 70s cheese. Walter Matthau does a drunken cameo, Starcrash's Akton is a power hungry Army Reservist who gets what's coming to him, there's the Evil Kanevil (sp?) wannabe who just can't catch a break. My parents used to talk about how Earthquake and The Towering Inferno were often shown back to back as the Shake and Bake special.
Amphibifudd commented
The only comment I have is... MARJOE GORTNER!
DP commented
It certainly would, especially when the concrete pillars supporting the roof of the parking garage fall over, bouncing when they hit the ground.