Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
It's riffing time! RIFFASAURUS!
Who wouldn't like to see there favorite childhood hero's to be riffed.

ken.malinski@gmail.com commented
Yes... Please do this... I'm actually in this movie... a Sydney local at the time and they needed some Extras... I'm in the scene where parents are forced to walk into a giant pit...
Matthew Miller commented
With the new movie coming out soon now would be a perfect time to Riff the original Power Rangers movie. One of my sons has discovered the Power Rangers and is a huge fan. He's also recently become a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and RiffTrax.
Jeffrey S Piatt commented
Good live choice to go with the new film.
Dave Gold commented
Hey, it's the 20th anniversary of the movie. Perfect timing.
Boomstick commented
YES YES YES YEEEEESS!! This has to happen!
CaptainChicken commented
YYYEEESSS!!! This has gotta happen!
Drew Curlee commented
I was always a Power Rangers fan, but nowadays I know enough to understand how hilarious it would be to hear riffing on this film.
Ralph commented
Haha! This would be cool!