Signs [2002]
A family living on a farm finds mysterious crop circles in their fields which suggests something more frightening to come.

Katie Taylor commented
i go to "rewatch" this riff so many times, only to find out it doesn't exist.. shocking and disappointing each time lol
Anonymous commented
First, anything Shymalan does is riffable. He's one of the worst writer/directors ever in the history of film. His twists are anything but. In this one, aliens who are morons - I beleive they swiped this saucer from smarter aliens who left it running outside a space 7-11 or something. Oh look, there's a pretty blue planet let's land there. But Queeznot, it's full of water! So what, we'll stay on land. These aliens with nine inch claws, couldn't claw through BAGS OF DOG FOOD? And a guys faith is renewed seeing an alien getting beaten to death by a baseball bat? I really hated seeing the dogs get killed. Please riff the **** out of this worthless trash.
CJones commented
Quiptracks has also done Lady in the Water (which is free)
CJones commented
If you want a riff of Sings, check out the one made by Quiptracks. It is VERY good.
Kevin Loria commented
Lots of "people looking" too
Meltha commented
The aliens who could travel through the galaxy but didn't have the necessary technology to invent galoshes and raincoats. Please do this one.
TB Tabby commented
The twist is that they weren't aliens, they were demons. They couldn't break through the pantry door because it had holy relics on it. The water burned them because it was blessed. But the movie didn't exactly communicate this very well, so I'm not condemning anyone for not realizing it. It's still a goofy movie that should make for a great riff.
BonaFIDE commented
Water destroys aliens! They also seem to have problem with pantry doors!
lizardbutt commented
Yes! Maybe you can shed some light through the location plot hole. How can a town in such close proximity to Philadelphia and NYC have ZERO air traffic? This movie is annoying, and I could use the therapy you so lovingly provide.
psychaotic commented
Oh definitely. Normally I am more a fan of old B movie VOD Rifftrax but if it's an M. Night Shamalamadingdong movie, it begs for it. "Lady in the Water" is also great riffbait.
sirhamhat commented
Aliens that are too technologically advanced to defeat wooden doors… yeah, I'd say this one needs some Rifftrax lovin'… Actually, any M. Night Shyamalan turd should be riffed… after Sixth Sense, the world thought he'd be the next Steven Spielberg… everything after, we wondered if were seeing the next Ed Wood…
His movies are especially dumb...
DarthMagikarp commented
Ooo another movie I would like to be riffed!
Anonymous commented
Definitely want to see this m. night shyamalan movie riffed! Please oh please riff this!
Jackson commented
YES!! Gotta riff mel gibson!
Tommy commented
Haha! I would enjoy this if it got riffed!
Satellite of Love commented
Oooohh yes please! I would LOVE to see this get riffed!