Dante's Peak
Harry Dalton (Pierce Brosnan) a vulcanologist and a small town Mayor (Linda Hamilton) race against time trying to save the residents of the sleepy mountain town of Dante's Peak from volcanic destruction. A fun disaster movie with more cheese than lava.

tsarstepan commented
In case this volcano awakens from its long slumber, lets riff it already.
MSTllllllady commented
Oh God, this movie was so unbelievably dumb it deserves to get shredded!
Anonymous commented
mountain town with mini-skirted lady mayor who also runs the local cafe--volcanic eruption defies all known laws of geology....
tsarstepan commented
Acid boiled grannies make for good riffing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OQ9805jobk -
DP commented
The moral of this movie is:
Never tell people "Don't Panic!" when the ground starts shaking. Everyone will panic anyway, so save your breath.
sirhamhat commented
Oh, dear God! This would be amazing! Honestly one of the worst movies ever! I saw this crap in the theater and it is one of the--unintentionally--funniest movies I have ever seen. Painful, but so worth it!
Satellite of Love commented
Oooo I would love to see this!
Anonymous commented
I'd be down for this!