The Dungeonmaster (AKA Ragewar)
There aren't a whole lot of movies asking to get riffed more than this mid-80's gem. Almost magical glasses and wrist watch combo that can make any electronic device do what the main character wants, a wizard that looks like a caveman who makes bizarre challenges for the hero, a sound track made for your Atari 800, and more!

tsarstepan commented
Brendon Tenold just reviewed this one. -
Tim Scallon commented
Oh this so deserves to be riffed. I can’t believe that the studio WOULDNT accept money from you guys.
Lord knows they didn’t make a lot when it was released.........
Matthew Gress commented
I wish this forum could allow me to log in to represent my support and to upvote "Anonymous!" My younger brother was into W.A.S.P. as a purely rebellion-fed urge and it tickles me when I see Blackie Lawless in a film.
Troy Wood commented
Thirding the awesome riffability of this movie.
Cheesy sword & sorcery and post apocalyptic road warrior flicks always make the best riffs, why not have the best of both worlds. Plus you can't go wrong with Bull from Night Court, crappy stop motion, and demonic overlords portrayed by hand puppets. -
Anonymous commented
It's sad to say, but I've seen this movie so many times. It's by far my favorite horrible movie.
I owned it on VHS as a kid in the 80's and my brother and I wore the tape out. Fortunately I was able to find a replacement from a video store selling old tapes about 10 years ago( didn't have a lot of use and the tape was in good condition).
You're 100% right - it's perfect riffing fodder. You have horrible effects, cheesy computers, Bull from Nightcourt and the 80's band W.A.S.P. What more do you need?