Fateful Findings
What if Tommy Wiseau wrote, directed, and starred in a documentary about Edward Snowden gaining paranormal powers?

Hoops commented
Please riff this movie or “Twisted Pair” or anything from Neil Breen. These have got to be the best fodder since Ed Wood and/or Tommy Wiseau.
Anonymous commented
This movie is the reason films were invented.. I have never laughed so hard in my life. You guys absolutely need to check this out. It changed my life.. and now I after watching it.. I need to see two therapists.
Anonymous commented
Please do a rifftrax of this movie.. I couldn’t even make it through the first 13 minutes without losing my ****.. it was the best 15.00 I have ever spent on Amazon..
Anonymous commented
Well, if Tommy Wiseau's The Room made too much sense to you, you will LOVE this movie.
Anonymous commented
This is all you need to know. It’s like the movie was made in anticipation of being riffed. It’d be a shame to disappoint them
Teresa Haino commented
Yes, this NEEDS to be riffed!
Stacy Ferre commented
Really anything by Neil Breen would make for a fantastic Rifftrax, but Fateful Findings in particular would be amazing. Breen has a very Birdemic-y, Tommy Wiseau-y sensibility about him in that he has no idea the way his characters and ideas translate to film. There are very sincere attempts at genuine film making, and his films have heart in the same way that Birdemic and The Room do, but they also fall flat on their faces at every turn. The line readings are atrocious, often being read 2, 3, or even 4 times in a row with no change in inflection. The plot is absurd and almost nonexistent. It tries very hard to reach for big ideas but goes nowhere. Neil Breen is an untapped Rifftrax classic in the making.
Anonymous commented
After seeing this movie I had to go to the corner in the hallway of my local community center to see my psychotherapist. She's very good, but don't tell my other psychotherapist.
This movie has more pauses than Twilight and more absurd human behavior than The Room and Birdemic combined. It's almost as if it's been made for RiffTrax.
tsarstepan commented
The Trailer:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQ7GQbfj__0 -
BadMovieIdeas commented
This movie makes 'The Room' look like a masterpiece.
Ani Leilani commented
This movie will literally change the way you view films.