Little Red Riding Hood and the Monsters
More K Gordon Murray insanity (see MST3K Santa Claus and Rifftrax Santa's Village of Madness to see more of his handiwork). Check it out on Youtube for a sample!

Vic commented
Seriously, how did you miss this one? It's a musical with whacked out fairy tale characters including Carrot Top! Circular saws figure in some parts. I mean it could be as classic as Space Mutiny!
- commented
You will finally learn the origin of Ferocious Wolf and Stinky the Skunk!
Mario commented
Please do it!
- commented
I voted here because it already had way more votes, but note this movie is one of A TRILOGY! See
tsarstepan commented
This monster of a terrible film needs to be cleansed from the Earth with a good riffening. -
Drew Curlee commented
While we pray RiffTrax does a Live show with this movie:
David commented
Anonymous commented
So much YES!!!!!! ;)
Sharon aka Penny commented
I dared myself to see the madness myself and i have to say you picked out a doosey. Hopefully it will get the "treatment".
colinspeight commented to see this in action!