Mission Kill - 1986 action film brings Cameron Mitchell and David Winters together pre Space Mutiny
This movie stars Robert Ginty from Warriors of the Lost World and teams him up with the director of Space Mutiny and of course Cameron Mitchell who is in most movies worth riffing. This is in keeping with the tradition of the many other action movies that feature completely unlikable heroes. Others being David Carradines character in the Future Force/Zone movies, Joe Done Baker in most of his movies, Lee in laser Mission etc.

Bob Jones commented
Santa before he was Santa and the paper chase guy, together at last!
Timmy commented
this film need to be riffed.
Colonel_Mustard commented
Colonel_Mustard commented
This movie also stars Miguel Angel Fuentes the Aztec who breaks into peoples rooms and makes them try on belts in Pumaman. I haven't seen the movie myself but it looks really really well bad.