Sean McVeigh commented
Why no xanadu?
bleuefish commented
Wait, they haven't done this one yet? Why the **** not?!?! I went looking for it since it seems like a given. Get on it, please?
tsarstepan commented
Sent in a request to consolidate the current three Xanadu requests into one (combining all of the votes into a single thread... hopefully this one).
Nick E. commented
This ... this movie. Gene Kelly and Olivia Newton John somehow maintain their dignity during this glorious dumpster fire. The plotline is roughly "What if we signed ELO and shoveled a ton of money into a movie that was put in front of the cameras with no script? Let's have four or five different styles of dancers that have no idea what the others are doing, and film them all together with no thought to blocking. And tie it all together with a ham-faced cipher that we're going to make the romantic lead!"
See the film that asks the question, "Can we make Roller Disco cool?" (And that answers it with a resounding "No, we can't. Nobody can. We honestly don't know what got into us)
Anonymous commented
"Tonight I dine on Honey Dew, and drink the milk of paradise..."
Digi-Akuma commented
I wouldn't mind seeing a Riff of this, but I love this movie.
pmoteles commented
It's actually XANADU, my friend, and when young I saw it many, many times. As an adult, I now see that a lousy musical incorporating an incomprehensible iteration of Greek mythology, 1970's pop culture, a non-plot from the desk of a frustrated screenwriter, and Olivia Newton John singing about a roller-disco should be riffed forward, back, and sideways.
I'd never heard of this until I saw it here and looked it up... it sounds absolutely hilarious!!! So cheesy, but in the best way. This should definitely be riffed. That would just make my world right. LOL!
GalaxyJane commented
It probably would help them if you spelled it correctly, it's "Xanadu".
But it is an outstanding suggestion.
scottmcginnis commented
Many movies from the seventies deserve to be beaten with a club. None more than Zanadu for attempting to squash "Saturday Night Fever" and "Grease" into roller skates. How many hips did Gene Kelly break in shooting this by the way!
tsarstepan commented
It's been awhile since they tackled a musical like The Apple.
Kristy commented
I heart Gene Kelly! Xanadu is pure cheese guys! You know this has to be done- for the children! The MST3K children that is :)
Fangarius commented
Though this was posted earlier, the whole, because it's kewl, doesn't actually inspire the votes does it?
Michael Beck from Megaforce stars in this one, and basically the hype behind this was that it was supposed to have a whole bunch of megastars in this one (Blame Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band for this one). Especially Gene Kelly and Olivia Newton-John, who was still hot off from her stint in a little film called Grease.
Now what Imdb claims is about this little tale is that the Greek Muses transforms themselves into female incarnates to help men achieve their goals (and NO, Kevin, not in THAT way... sheesh).
Well, anyway, Olivia plays as Kira (no, NOT the faux name, Light Yagami uses in Death Note, but it would've made things interesting if it was, eh, a Shinigami play as a muse, and kills the competition with a notebook.. Bill: Uh, Fanger, could you.. Oh, yeah, sorry about that) who meets her man--so to speak--an artist called Sonny Malone (Michael Beck's character). After some trippy effects and songs, she employs Danny McGuire (Kelly), a man she inspired forty years earlier to help Sonny establish a disco roller rink (but never tells them that the trend will die out within five years later, hey, never said she was a SMART muse, now did I?).
So why should RiffTrax really riff this one:
(1) The odd premise itself: A Greek Muse becomes a chick to inspire an artist to hook up with a former dancer into creating a disco roller rink. Maybe so the guys from 'Makin' It,' can come onto the scene. Not help him come up with a number one song, not come up with some lucrative business to help his art, but a disco roller rink...
Sonny: Say, why don't McGuire and I get a third guy and instead we make fun of bad movies with songs instead?
Kira: No, mate, sorry, according to our files we have a guy name Joel reserved for that, which will later be taken over by Mike, Kevin and Bill and they'll have a kickass reunion show.. but thanks for asking.. just do the roller rink thing, or I'll make you have more trippy hallucinations.
Which leads us to the second reason...
(2) Trippy musical interludes. Not since Sgt. Pepper and the Apple, have we seen REALLY bizarre ways to incorporate musical moments. One has Sonny dreaming he's animated while McGuire is tripping balls (no really) with Kira dancing about to incorporate classic and modern music into one coherent form. Though not sure HOW this inspires them to establish a disco roller rink, but hey, wasn't sure how singing about an apple invokes a fable about the Devil owning a recording company, either. So there you go.
(3) Gene Kelly's last film, as well as one of the last of the spectacular musicals. Hard to believe this was Kelly's swan song and the fact that this is supposed to be a musical as well. But after Xanadu, the whole genre started going downhill fast. Mainly because during this you wonder why didn't Kelly inspire Kira to have Sonny do something more than just establish a disco roller rink.
Always wanted to see an ending where it shows five years later where the roller rink fails, and having Kira singing something like "Oh, well, you win some, you lose some."
Overall, Xanadu's not a bad film, but when you think how overhyped it was, not to mention WAAY over budget, how this film managed to break even in the box office.
Animated Clip from film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9LhIxwdvRM
Dan Sargent commented
I'm for that.