Q The winged serpent
It is a hilarious 80's film with very bad claymation and a cast of characters you won't soon forget or forgive. Oh, it also stars David Carradine!

Jacob commented
This has one of the most unlikeable ostensible protagonists I've ever seen and it's kind of the point but it's also just hilarious how over-the-top unlikeable he is
tsarstepan commented
It's a felony to NOT Riff this film.
And since it features the Chrysler Building where I currently work? That's even better. -
Anonymous commented
Please Riff!!!!
Michael commented
This movie has not only David Carradine, also a very obnoxious Michael Moriarity and the guy who later became the owner of the dry cleaners in an episode of Seinfeld. How can you not like claymation corpses and a turtle headed featherless bird god?
Andy in NJ commented
I watched this on bluray the other night and got to thinking this is perfect for rifftrax.Good call,sean! Michael Moriarty doesn't chew the scenery,he devours it. First saw this on hbo when i was 11 and loved it ever since