The Worst Witch
Super-cheesy 80s video effects, horrible songs that somehow become earworms, Tim Curry as "The Grand Wizard", and a young Fairuza Balk. Would love to see this as a Halloween VOD!!

Austin Wilkes commented
I second that Bridget and Mary Jo tackle this one. Actually, make that beg and plead that they do!
Cole Wandler commented
Bad Witch movie BUT ... Tim Curry is in it!!!! With a musical number!!!!! NEED I SAY MORE???? :D
Nicole commented
Charlotte Rae is a gem in this movie!
Robyn H commented
If you decide to riff it, may I please suggest that Bridget and Mary Jo take this one? I think their style would complement this silliness very well.
I couldn't even finish this is was so bad. But the worst of what I saw was the bad witch and her crew singing in the woods. Yikes. Riff this!
Joel commented
Move over, The Night Dracula Saved Halloween! This is the cheesiest, silliest, most amazing Halloween movie ever. Every time I thought it had reached its peak, it surprised me again. It's the kind of film where (as they occasionally do in others) Mike, Kevin, or Bill might say "If [such and such] happens, this would be the greatest movie ever!" and it does!
LaFevre commented
As the accompanying still amply demonstrates, there's absolutely nothing Tim Curry won't publicly gad about in, for a buck or two.