Invasion USA
"Rostov... It's time to die!" It's Christmas, and the evilest, teenager-killing, Christmas-tree-blowing-up Russians are planning an invasion of the USA -- an invasion so secret that people don't quite realize it's happening. Luckily Chuck Norris is on the beat, and is willing to temporarily give up wrestling crocodiles and playing with his pet armadillo to catch the main villain. Features some surprisingly good stunts, and a surprising number of people getting shot in the crotch.

Charlie Johnson commented
Yes. This is a Christmas movie. Too bad a coherent plot was not under the tree. The Commies must have stolen it.
Blake Bruning commented
Hey, I just swang buy to tell you the good news...I rented out 4 hydrofoils!
Look it's them now!
cryptkeeper commented
Outstanding choice!! Swamp airboats, 'gator rasslin', horrible attempts at Russian accents, and Chuck Norris basically phoning in his role. Trailer: