Dungeons & Dragons (2000)

tsarstepan commented
This one still boggles the mind in how stupid and monstrously terrible this one is. This one is worthy for riffing because of Jeremy Iron's infamous performance.
Anonymous commented
I saw this movie opening night with a group of friends, and D&D worshiping nerds that we were, it still took maybe a minute through the opening narration to start tearing into it MSTy style.
Jimmy Olson -is- a smarmy little git of a thief!
A Waynes Brother -is- ...urban. Very very urban.
There's a black elf with boob armor!
Jeremy Irons chewing scenery with the relish of being the only one to realize he's in a terrible movie and loving it.
The evil minion with blue lipstick and one of the best line-reads ever: "Looook! At Meeeeeee!"
A Princess character obviously modeled after the Amidala in Episode 1 who gives Kristian Stewert a run for her blankfaced money.
The Rod Of Savrille, Which Will Let Us Control Red Dragons And Thus Control The Kingdom.
The female mage, who the GM obviously has some sort of grudge against because she never gets to successfully cast a single spell.
Doctor Who as an ancient Yoda Elf.
All the plot-relevant scenes were cut because they required too much CGI, so enjoy having only the vaguest idea why we're doing what we're doing and what our motivations for it are!
"You want a woman with a thick beard you can HANG ON TO!"
The 'trapped' carpet that's just a pool of oatmeal. Literal oatmeat, I'm pretty sure.
Rocky Horror's Riffraff is the head of the Thieves Guild, if you ever wanted to see that in your life.
They were -really- proud of their CGI castle. Like "Swoshing sound effects, zipping the camera sideways along the castle like we're some sort of extended loading screen." proud.
At the end, everyone turns into little balls of light, because why the **** not?I love this movie so much, and I want it to be torn into many many tiny pieces.
Ismael Alvarez commented
A good candidate for unnecessary CG scenes.
Zapper Weisman commented
This one deserves the RiffTrax treatment! *casts a Wish spell*
RJ commented
Check your THACO and Hit Points..this one is gonna hurt