Hell of the living dead
PLEASE! Watch this amazingly hilarious film everyone! If riffed this would become an all time favorite for all of us Rifftrax fans!!

tsarstepan commented
Just watched the Dark Corners Review YouTube channel review of this. This definitely could use a good riffing.
Chris Detty commented
Italian rip off zombie movie full of characters doing the dumbest things you'll see in a horror movie. There's also a guy that looks like he could be Joe from Samurai Cop's dad whose an absolute maniac that enjoys his work. Oh did I mention the music is by the Goblin of Contamination fame? He's playing all his hits in addition to the glorious return of the moog sea lion.
tsarstepan commented
Never watched **** of the Living Dead ... AND YET! I will also comment!
The Cinema Snob released a Coronavirusploitation film, Corona Zombies (2020) which reuses a **** of a lot of footage from **** of the Living Dead. The new 60 minute remix doesn't deserve the soiled toilet paper it was written on.
The review just makes me want to see the Rifftrax gang riff the much better source material.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqhT6PAipew -
Anonymous commented
If youve watched Hell of the living dead, please comment =)