
Sean M. Goodman commented
This sounds like a "fantastic" Riff on. Very much looking forward to purchasing this if it's ever produced!
Darrin Clark commented
This was something I saw on the shelf when closing down the last Blockbuster in Salt Lake in 2013 and will never forget it
tsarstepan commented
Often wildly inappropriate and drowned in a flood of terrible food puns.
Please riff this one already. -
Sean Andersen commented
I never seen the movie, watched the review by Nostalgia critic, and just from those clips shown, looks like a extremely bad film, and now learning how much was spent making it, and just wow, the bad cringy puns
Andy in NJ commented this is the first i heard of this movie so i watched the trailer then came back and voted for this.$65 million dollar budget and it looks like a ps2 game
tsarstepan commented
We need to have the admin combine the duplicate movie requests. -
Jeff commented
Probably one of the worst animated films of all time (unless you count Norm of the North in that).
TB Tabby commented
Already requested. Please use the search bar in the future.
Sharon aka Penny commented
Please Do Food Fight.
3 Reasons why
1. You haven't done a feature length animated film yet. Love what you guys do but this is way over due.
2. In my opinion, this would be a great answer to Sausage Party (which is way too raunchy for most) yet this does have it's share of suggestive banter for it being a supposed "kids movie".
3. Big name voice talent:
Charlie Sheen, Wayne Brady, Christopher Lloyd, Eva Longoria, and Hillary Duff just to name a few.
And if you get a chance, please check out both the Nostalgia Critic's and the Cinema Snob's reviews. They both give a little idea of the making of story which sounds even more interesting than the movie itself. And if nothing else I know you would get a really good laugh from it. -
Sharon aka Penny commented
Please consider this one if for no their reason that "Sausage Party" is a bit to raunchy for general consumption though I have to admit Food Fight has almost as many innuendos . If you need a Kickstarter for this one, I'll gladly kick in.
Sharon aka Penny commented
Food Fight !
A great movie to riff since "Sausage Party" may be a little too rough for general audiences
Though I have to say, it does have its own style of offensiveness.
Please ,oh please consider doing this one -
Jeff Mackey commented
This will be the second time they visit Charlie Sheen turkey after having done Red Dawn (original).
Sharon aka Penny commented
I normally would not do to comments back to back. But i just watched the Nostalgia Critics review of Food Fight on youtube. I encourage one and all to check it out. And perhaps, on our own little way, save a life or two.
Please Rifftrax, please do this movie. In fact Im willing to give up a fair amount of my precious point for you all to do this one. It makes The Apple look like the Sound of Music and Santa and the Ice cream Bunny look like Bambi. -
Sharon aka Penny commented
Saw the dvd cover on amazon. Charlie Tuna, Twinkie the Kid, and the Vlasic Pickle Groucho Stork! Whats not to love. Go for it!
Sharon aka Penny commented
I just had check out to view the cover and reviews. Yikes! I seriously want to see this riffed. I mean whats not to love about seeing Charlie Tuna, Twinkie the Kid, and the Vlasic Pickles Groucho Stork in classic action movie pose riding a shopping cart.
On second thought, Saying that out loud concerns me. -
thedeekon commented
Charlie Sheen plays Dex Dogtective (real name) - an Indiana Jones-esque, raisin loving, Noir private dick, Cinnamon Sleuth Cereal mascot. Christopher Lloyd reprises his most spastic, cartoon-y moments in Roger Rabbit. And there's a poop rat.
Enough said, have a peek:
Eric Schneider commented
My God!!! I have stared directly into Satan's puckered butt-hole and "Foodfight!" is what I saw there. This movie is an unspeakable evil. It's like Ed Wood made a kids' movie about the Third Reich, hired drop-outs from a Bulgarian digital art school to animate it, and paid for it all with product placement (which I'm sure every company involved would dearly love to revoke). I dare you to watch this movie (if you have children, send them far, far away first or they will be deeply, DEEPLY scarred by what they witness) and tell me it was not like gazing into a Lovecraftian abyss of despair. This movie must be riffed. That's the only possible reason this horror could have been allowed to exist on our plane of reality. We must start a movement to bring this movie to the riffing cliff so that the professionals can push it off.
Anonymous commented
Worst movie of all time, most reviews talk about how it was budgeted $65 Million (YES 65) its got to be one of the worst things ive seen, ever worse than manos/Birdemic/plan 9, yes im going there