The Monolith Monsters (1957)
In this forgotten classic, Universal Pictures introduced the world to a terrifying new nightmare... rocks! Yes, those seemingly innocuous lumps of stone in your backyard contain unknown dangers: like the ability to grow really slowly and possibly fall on someone. Featuring hot expository action, lengthy geological experimentation, and long driving scenes.

Monolith should be a excellent riff. It's got lots of unusual concepts that
(don't tell anyone ) actually keep's the film strangely interesting. Face it, we know the best riffs aren't just bad they're unusual. It has all the greatest, bad movie mistakes but the idea is weird and has more than a couple levels of "that's Strange, and funny". Do people know about it yet? Check it out when you can. -
AnneB95726 commented
Watching this movie right now. Hadn't seen it since I was a teen. I forgotten how insane this movie is. I'm wondering why this hasn't gotten the RiffTrax treatment!
Randall Lilly commented
Yes, yes, please riff this obscure classic, before I'm forced to!