Flying cows...come on, that practically riffs itself!

Manny commented
Withstanding a tornado with just a leather belt wraped aound a pipe!!?? As the buildings ,cars, practically everything eles gets sucked up? Please...physics
Bob Jones commented
This is another one that brings perfect as a JTJ!
Andrew Thomas commented
Bill Paxton and Philip Seymour Hoffman with Helen Hunt's daddy issues all wrapped up in all the 90s cgi you can handle. how is this not done yet?
Thom Beck commented
Please riff this movie it’s my girlfriends favorite movie and since I introduced her to rifftrax she really wants to listen to the riff for this classic masterpiece!
Becky commented
It's begging to be riffed!
Becky commented
Perfect Rifftrax fodder. Please!!
Anonymous commented
I would buy this the day Twister riff as soon as it came out
Chris Alexander commented
Evil tornado chasers in matching black vehicles, Philip Seymour Hoffman trying to act like a cool stoner or something, terrible awful visual effects outside the titular tornadoes. In fact, the CGI tornado visual effects are the entire reason this movie exists--a concept that actually worked in the mid-1990s. Amazing film, for all the wrong reasons.
Merton Aloysius commented
IF Not "Twister," ya' GOTTA riff "Into the Storm." It was so awful, it makes "Twister" look like "Masterpiece Theater!" :-p
Tanner Majors commented
There is a lot of stuff in the movie that they can make fun of
Andy in NJ commented
Definitely. People I work with think I'm crazy for saying this is a bad movie. This disaster deserves abuse
Anonymous commented
I agree. great choice.