Robot Monster
There is a new 3D restored highly anticipated blu-ray of Robot Monster coming out at the end of June 2023. Could you please consider releasing an additional audio-only RiffTrax version to coincide with this new disc? You could use your existing Riff audio from your Robot Monster 2D release and synch with the new 3D blu version. This version will also have a 3D anaglyph option for those that don’t have 3D TVs, and includes a pair of red/blue glasses. The running time is slightly different as the original intermission has been restored on the new disc, so the existing Riff audio edit would need to be slightly retimed. I think a lot of MST3K fans kickstarted the Robot Monster 3D release, so there’d be a lot of folks, including myself, that wouldn’t mind buying the riff again, if it works w/the new 3D disc.