The End of Evangelion
Last night, I was watching The End of Evangelion, and instead of feeling disturbed, I finally felt amused at it. Then there was the silence of Shinji choking Asuka. She reached out and touched his face before saying:
"How disgusting."
Like it was a punchline, I just laughed.
I can think of several good reasons this movie should be considered:
1. It's a classic for anime fans.
2. It features a ton of bizarre, puzzling imagery that can be good material for riffs. Just watch this sequence of the Third Impact to understand how weird it gets:
3. In general, the film leaves a surreal, disturbing, even downright depressing impression on people initially. If Mike and the gang were to provide some good jokes for this film, it would be an absolutely awesome coping mechanism.
Here's an image of the DVD cover, which is also a great example of the nightmare fuel:
I would love it there were a RiffTrax for this film. If Mike and the robots don't make one, then maybe I will. I'm a fan of Evangelion myself, so it's all in good fun!