The Death Of Richie starring Robbie Benson
I just watched "The Death of Richie" starring Robbie Benson. The movie is full of riffing opportunities. The scenes where Richie has some kind of drug den, complete with glittery walls and psychedelic lighting, behind a panel in his bedroom closet, I can just imagine what you can say about that. Please consider it, it will be great. Thank you!!!

psychaotic commented
This film was instrumental in helping me start using drugs when I was a teenager. Richie has a hidden room behind a bookcase in his closet, a la a million villains in spy flicks and mad scientist movies alike...but Richie's room is covered in aluminum foil and blacklight posters. Whenever teenage life bothers Richie, he slithers into his secret den to get off. Even though I thoroughly recognize the film as riff-fodder now, when I was 15, I remember thinking "Oh, what a fox!" He looks exactly like the kid from "Laserblast".