Fatal exam
Fatal Exam (1990)
This movie has everything: 45 year old college students who drive station wagons; community theater-level stilted dialogue; hideous late 80s fashion; doughy dudes with poodle hair and ersatz Tom of Finland mustaches; crummy special effects; a haunted house; everything! This could be a great companion piece to Ghost House! Please please please riff this bad boy!

Forest of Toys TV commented
Also I need that teachers pet t shirt
Forest of Toys TV commented
The kid who sees the head in the coffee table lololol made the movie for me . Please riff this is. It would probably be a cake walk for you guys. I mean seriously it’s like it’s riffing itself.
Lady Grey commented
Yes! It also has one of those openings where it starts with pretty much zero fanfare. I love this blog's summary of one of the scenes:
"It’s sort of a fun exercise to sit back and imagine yourself as Mr. Snyder, wondering what he was telling himself as he was on minute six of filming his stars slowly crossing an empty, unassuming courtyard. Did he imagine himself on the verge of a breakthrough in avant-garde filmmaking? Did he forget the camera was still on? Had he purchased a shitload of 16 mm film that he was definitely not going to waste? Was Jack Snyder a serial killer whose weapon of choice was death by a thousand minutes of tedium? The masochist in me wants to believe that there was some ethos, however misguided, at work here. The likely reality that Snyder and his crew just had no concept of what an audience would find watchable isn’t very fun."
Erin Kelly commented
Yes! I am watching this one right now and it is RIPE for riffing.
blandcs2000 commented
This is playing on Tubi right now if anyone wants to check it out!