Night Train to Venice
Three good reasons? Oh, there are so many, but I'll try to narrow it down to three.
Hugh Grant and Malcolm McDowell starred in it. Hugh Grant has called it the worst movie he ever made. Malcolm McDowell doesn't talk about it at all.
The plot is so convoluted that I'm not even sure I'm summarizing this correctly, but as I recall, Hugh Grant gets on a train to get his book about neo-Nazis to a publisher. He falls in love with a woman on the train who made a deal with the devil to become an actress, but forgot to ask the devil for talent, so she has to make a second deal. The devil boards the train, along with his cadre of (you guessed it) neo-Nazis, to terrorize the passengers and maybe to try to stop Hugh Grant from publishing his book? Unclear. Either way, he uses his devil powers on Hugh to give him amnesia, but honestly it doesn't seem to affect him much.
Supporting characters include Nazis, a nameless old woman (played by an actress who starred in several Nazi Germany propaganda films), a famous singer who can only sing nonsense syllables, and did I mention Malcolm McDowell's devil?
(Bonus 4. The trailer uses O Fortuna throughout.