This 2020 movie - currently on Amazon - is just something...else? 🤣 It’s about a woman that appears to be in her mid-twenties that is an “aging model” who has to turn to stripping and then escorting so that she can pay off the credit card debt she acquired paying for “everything” for her and her boyfriend. Said boyfriend leaves her within the first 5-10 minutes during some sort of an attempt at a montage. The flashbacks and her dreams had me rolling! It seems that she was in some sort of series of singing/dance/piano classes with a 10, 12, 15, and 17 year old. When each of her teachers basically tell her that she is horrible in turn, she determinedly states that she’s going to be a model instead! The preposterousness of the entire movie and just the random things like, why is she walking along the LA Streets for possibly hours but then she has a car... And if she has a plush fur coat - that she wears out walking when others are in tank tops - why can’t she sell that to pay her rent?