The legend of wolf mountain
OK, remember episode 1001 of mystery science theater-Soultaker? Well, this is another one of Vivian shillings attempt at another movie. Except this time it’s meant to be more family friendly. Basically all of the cast of Soultaker returns in this movie, with the exception of Joe Estevez. But in his place, we get to see Bo Hopkins reprising his role as, yet again, the sheriff of a small town. I think this movie would be perfect for riffing. Not to mention all the callbacks that you could do with this one. Oh, yeah! And not that I had to sell it anymore, but Robert freaking Z’Dar! I rest my case.
Thanks, and hopefully you read this suggestion

Schmeesa74 commented
Ummmmm....holy crap. So Bob Z'dar died today, and I was searching YouTube for this short video called A Fruity Nightmare. I did find it, and also stumbled across a preview for The Legend Of Wolf Mountain, "starring" none other than Bob, Miss Vivian Schilling, some other randoms, and our favorite blonde receding hairline rocker dude from SoulTaker. Oh yes. It is sublime. It is perfect for riffing. I'm sure you guys have come across it. If not, please go check it out, won't you?