My Bloody Valentine (1981)
MBV is my wife's favorite Valentine's Day tradition. It's chocked full of the vapidly boneheaded of all ages. There's the old sheriff who seems to have almost no sensory apparatus of any kind; minor miners who treat a coal mine like an only slightly dirtier than usual frat house; and a bunch of people who insist upon doing pretty much exactly what you'd expect them to do. They're all Upper Peninsular types who only think with their lower peninsulas. And the guys are even worse.
It should only cost about $4.78 Canadian to rent the rights to this subterranean no-scare-fest. I'll be glad to send that to you if I can get to one of those places where money is exchanged for coconuts.

Bryan W. Frazier . commented
YES !! This is one of the better early - mid 1980s slasher films !!
Anonymous commented
Harry Warden is back