Flight of the Navigator
A young boy rides an alien clam shell around his town. He gets knocked in the head and loses eight years...the audience feels like they have been knocked out for 8 years watching this.

Cliff Sheets the Q is silent commented
Flight of THE Navigator.
And this movie was awesome, and you know it. But it could use a Riff. Anything can be made btter with a RiffTrax.
PeeWee Herman is the Alien AI.
Ccampbell23 commented
I loved this movie as a kid. I would love it even more if Rifftrax honored it with a proper Riff! I anxiously await seeing this offered up, hopefully, sooner than later. Thank you in advance.
guntario commented
I can't find anything for "Them". I'm guessing this is for Flight Of The Navigator?
Kathleen Baxter commented
I really think this movie deserves riffing. I think that you should riff it live when everything calms down following the present epidemic
David Marti commented
A poor attempt at a poor attempt! This script was just made for riffing! The child lead, the obnoxious alien spacecraft, and evil NASA scientists? All set in 1980's south Florida? This is the penultimate rigging feature!
JW Powell commented
Puh-lease please please please please.
Kristy commented
Awwww Only the cutest coolest movie evah! You know take a kid, a few alien creatures and time travel- plus some great tunes- and viola- this brilliant gem of a film! PLUS Sarah Jessica Parker breaking down all the different kinds of Coke available in1986 or there abouts! Just a great movie all around PLEEZE RIFF THIS!!!!
Anonymous commented
why is this not a rifftrax .Why why
Anonymous commented
Flight of the navigator PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE