Zombie High
This movie is absolutely begging to be Riffed. It was apparently meant to be set in a college setting, but was changed to a high school Because Reasons. This results in the least convincing teenagers ever, as everyone that's a student is clearly in their twenties despite the film trying to pretend like they're in their teens.
The film also features a "love triangle". Why is this in parentheses? Because the film can't quite decide whether they want the professor character (yes, the love triange involves two 18-year olds and a thirty-something year old teacher ala a male Mary Kay LaTourneau) to be a charming love interest or a terrifying predator. As a result our leading lady is repeatedly approached by the stereotype of a manipulative ****** predatory instructor I like to call "Professor **** Eyes".
Seriously, at one point they have him approaching Virginia Madsen (who was in her mid twenties during this movie) while she's swimming. She rebuffs him by saying that he's her professor and that she's dropping his class, only for him to say that it "won't change anything". Basically telling her that repeatedly saying no means nothing and that running away only means he'll chase after her. Oh, did I mention that the love interest is a 102 year old "zombie"? Seriously, the interactions with these two make Bella and Edward seem reasonable and healthy as a couple. The relationship between Madsen and the professor looks like it will check off every box of those "unhealthy relationship" forms that social workers hand out to emotional and/or physical battery/assault victims.
The movie comes to a climactic end when it comes to overpowering and ending the zombie brainwashing. The ultimate weapon? Rock music. Terrible rock music, as they couldn't actually hire any name bands to perform. But only after Madsen and her boyfriend are chased by middle aged professor (and older) zombies, as well as ridiculously ineffective teenage ones.
The rights to this seem like they could be bought for a relative song, as this seems to be on every streaming service and then some. Plus Sherrilyn Fenn of Twin Peaks fame is in it!

Lady Grey commented
Of note, here are the ages of the love triangle at the time the movie was made:
Virginia Madsen: 26
Richard Cox (professor): 39
Boyfriend: 19There was some serious suspension of disbelief going on here if we're supposed to expect that Madsen is 18.
Mike Tanner commented
Slight correction - the actor playing the professor was pushing 40 when it was released, which adds to the squick factor, since you have the script pairs off a supposed 18 year old with someone who is clearly old enough to be her father.
This would be AMAZING for a live show, especially as it's relatively unknown by today's audiences.