Dinosaurs! – A Fun-Filled Trip Back in Time! (1987)
this movie brings back childhood memories and the bed sheets the kid in this movie has same sheets has I had when i was like 7 yrs old

TB Tabby commented
I just watched the riff of "DInosaurs: The Age of the Terrible Lizard" and enjoyed it, except for the fact that it was way too short. So here's a longer short film that runs for 27 minutes. It's got everything you could want: a pre-The Wizard Fred Savage, a rock band consisting of cartoon dinosaurs, and a voiceover that explains everything about dinosaurs while simultaneously explaining nothing. And that's just in the first half!
The second half doesn't contain any of that because, in true Godfrey Ho fashion, they just took an existing short, the 1980 Will Vinton film "Dinosaur," and pretended the voice-over was Fred Savage even though it doesn't even remotely sound like him. This half of the film comes pre-riffed, as the main character is mercilessly heckled by his classmates throughout.