My Tutor, Secret Admirer, and My Chauffeur
Watching Rescue Me (riffed by Bridget and Mary Jo). Would be great if they could do the cheesy triumvirate of My Tutor, Secret Admirer, and My Chauffeur. I've never had so many non-romantic feelings about rom-coms in my life.

Tyler J Goolsby commented
i like that idea. i'd be ok if they riff 3 of those movies at once. sony interactive entertainment's remake and remastering regular specialist bluepoint games is currently working on a game for the upcoming playstation 5 coming this christmas. as a matter of fact, rumors are heating and it appears they might be working on 2 games. it pretty much figures that one of them is demon souls and although not so sure about the second one but its possible it might be either the legend of dragoon, metal gear solid, silent hill, socom us navy seals, syphon filter, twisted metal, ico or resistance. i would be so very very lucky if they could do extermination, philosoma, its japan only sequel phase paradox, covert ops nuclear dawn aka chase the express, beyond the beyond, legend of legaia and it's sequel legaia 2 duel saga. we've also been getting so many hints about backwards compatibility. so far the ps5 is only backwards compatible with ps4 and psvr games but we've been told that there's gonna be a remastering engine or remastering through emulation which could mean psone, ps2, ps3, psp and psvita games could be added as well. but once again great idea.