Schoolhouse Rock
The classic animated ABC Saturday Morning educational shorts.

amyctat commented
We need all the quirky child oriented educational shorts riffed asap! YES!!!
Bryan W. Frazier . commented
YES !! I have always loved " Schoolhouse Rock !! I not only grew up with Schoolhouse rock , but I was one of the original generation to view them when they first aired !! They are an integral part of my childhood !! I would enjoy seeing a RiffTrax version of these classics !!
AngieG commented
Schoolhouse Rock was a big part of my public school education. Basically every time it rained during recess, or a teacher just didn't want to deal with us, we'd be treated to an hour or so these educational animated shorts. These shorts felt outdated at the time and they definitely haven't aged gracefully. I'd love to watch you guys rip history, and my childhood education, a new one by taking on Schoolhouse Rock.