A 1992 movie that's supposedly an inspiration for The X-Files.
A Weekly World News of the Weird reporter who's the human embodiment of entitled whining gets mixed up in a DoD investigation involving brain-washing aliens, neon-pink flying saucers, glowing green injection fluid, terrible sped up models for every vehicle from supertech planes to normal planes to junky cars to trucks to everything.
WATCH the white guy be totally ineffectual but keeps acting like he's the main character while the black guy does everything
WONDER at some dudes from Walmart wearing dress shirts with flags pinned to them acting like alien-possessed FBI dudes
BOGGLE at how they got blue lighting for ever scene, regardless of context or time of day.
GIGGLE at the mindcontrol helmets that look like copper fishbowls with flashlights attached to the front.
SIGH IN RESIGNATION at how airforce bases, Weekly World News press rooms, and The Pentagon(tm) all look like the same highschool teacher break room.
But seriously. Blue and Magenta lighting from top to bottom. And what would be considered a shlocky X-Files knockoff if the X-Files had premiered by then. How this hasn't made the list is beyond me. Aside from the fact I'm not sure anyone's ever seen it.

Anonymous commented
And don't forget the ending, which devolves into a giant stop-motion alien robot monologing "America. I Want To FUCK You" while throwing nukes at our heroes.
I forgot it the first time, because the last 30 minutes of the movie feels like an entirely different movie.