A Quiet Place
This movie isn't 1/10 as smart as it thinks and the silence leaves Twilight sized room for riffs. You're going to have a blast with it.

Anonymous commented
Please! Please! PLEASE riff this piece of ****! This is without a doubt, one of the STUPIDEST movies ever made. All these moronic critics who gave it tremendous reviews must have been on a ******** of drugs that would make a politician lucid! Here's a few examples after a brief explanation:
These supposedly indestructible creatures come out of the center of the earth. They are of course, blind. So they home in on sound. NO WEAPONS on our over weaponized earth can harm them. Skip ahead a year. One family consisting of Mom, Dad, Deaf Daughter, Son and little son are foraging for supplies. Kids wants a super noisy toy. Dad takes the batteries out. Dead girl gives kid the toy WITH THE BATTERIES BACK IN. The entire family walks 300 yards in front of kid who, of course, turns the game on and GET'S KILLED. These pinheads live near a very loud waterfall, so they go there on occasion to scream and yell. WHY THE **** DON'T THEY JUST LIVE BEHIND THE **** WATERFALL? Finally, Dad sacrifices himself so the monsters don't get what's left of his family. Meanwhile, Wife gives birth along with what looks like 400 gallons of blood, and STILL HAS THE STRENGTH TO KILL one of the UNKILLABLE monsters with a SHOTGUN! Please tell me this isn't PRIME riff material! PLEASE RIFF THIS ****!