The Little Mermaid
Goodtimes Entertainment's version of the Little Mermaid is, by far, one of the worst films I have ever, Ever, EVER seen. There is bad voice acting, bad writing, bad character designs, lazy animation, non-sensical plot, etc. and it shows!
Goodtimes, as other people have brought up, tried very much to cash in on the Disney version. Problems arise due to their attempts to combine Disney with the source material in a haphazard way, and it is SO painful. For example, a certain evil character is evil because Disney did it, but literally has no motivation for being evil. Not even because she is evil.
Last, but not least, there is the main character's "royal pet". Oh, that prick won't let you forget it. I wish I could. Even now, as I type, I am experiencing 'Nam-level flashbacks to his nasal, whiny nag. Rifftrax, please, grant me the revenge I so desire.