a 1983 horror flick about a woman possessed by a demon. Featuring a creeping gardener and a sassy housekeeper.

Andy in NJ commented
Shriek! In disbelief at the clearly-pulled-out-of-their-backsides final image!
Cringe! As housekeeper LaWanda Page (yes,Aunt Esther from Sanford and Son) says 'great googly moogly!" and eventually flees the possessed woman's house accompanied by music more suitable for a 50s sitcom!
Laugh! At the "scary" demon fx!
Any potential this had gets thrown out the window right after the opening credits end. Saw this as a kid when it first came on cable and it scared me,watched it as a grown up and was shocked at what a scaredy cat I was then.
Caaey commented
I just watched the movie, this would be fantastic for them. I honestly can't recall if they have done movies with nudity....