Bet you don't get this one often, but I was in this movie (hard to believe I would admit to being in a Roger Corman movie). It was filmed in the late 80's and released in 1992 (so you know the hair was good anyway). We filmed the entire movie on only three sets so obviously this was a typical block buster Corman deal. It stars my old friend Don "the Dragon" Wilson, the light-heavy weigh World Kick Boxing Champion and the interesting thing about it is, the name. That is because everyone who fights (or gets KO'ed anyway) is an actual black belt; that is how I came to get killed in the movie. So at least you see people kicking, punching, and using weapons who really know how.
That's me with two pairs of nunchucks - Oops - one pair magically disappears in post because the string broke and we had to film the scene again with only one. The big problem is, they asked for black belts, not actors. So you can bet this one is one for the can. I would love to see it get the treatment and am sure "The Dragon" would still be my friend after that. Or at least I think he would.