The Warrior and The Sorceress
You think Sorceress and Sword and the Sorcerer were out of this world "lengend-ry", think of Yojimbo, but starring a sword-wielding David Carridine with a protagonist name that sounds like one of his other well known tv characters, set on a faraway planet where nudity knows no boundaries... (as narrated by Peter Cullen)

Starkadder commented
Didn't they use footage from that in Wizards of the Lost Kingdom II?
Jasen Douglass commented
Want to say, any 80's, 90's David Carradine movies fit the bill. Death sport.. so many..
John Cleveland commented
David Carradine + Roger Corman + Sword + Sandals = The perfect movie to riff!
This film is the first of the numerous low budget sword & sandal films David Carradine was in by producer Roger Corman. Carradine plays “The Dark One” a character he would reprise later in the season 11 episode “Wizards of the Lost Kingdom 2” in what is effectively a fantasy version of “A Fistful of Dollars” (or “Yojimbo” if your a purest).
J Aebn commented
As Captain Picard would say: There are four breasts!